FICTION/NON-FICTION: Provide a brief, one-page synopsis of the entire manuscript (no need to break it down chapter by chapter) plus 20-30 pages of the manuscript (enough to give the reader a good sense of style/content)
POETRY: 4-8 poems (Depending on length)
ESSAY: 2-3 Essays (Depending on length)
SCHOLARLY WORKS: Provide a brief synopsis (query letter) of the entire manuscript, plus 20-30 pps. of the manuscript (enough to give the reader a good sense of style/content, purpose and intent).
DRAMA: Unless excessively long, forward entire manuscript.
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS: Jewell Jordan Publishing only accepts electronic submissions, i.e., sent online via e-mail to: Sending by email will save you time, resources, and money. We accept both PDFs and Word Documents. Submissions should be 12 inch Font/Times Roman, double-spaced.
PAPER SUBMISSIONS: After our review of your preliminary submission we will contact you via email if we want you to provide a paper copy of your full manuscript.
Jewell Jordan Publishing
1205 South Air Depot, Suite 153
Midwest City, OK 73110