GENERAL: When submitting your manuscript synopsis please also provide: 1) a brief cover letter /bio – tell us about you; and 2) include any previous publications.

FICTION/NON-FICTION: Provide a brief, one-page synopsis of the entire manuscript (no need to break it down chapter by chapter) plus 20-30 pages of the manuscript (enough to give the reader a good sense of style/content)

POETRY: 4-8 poems (Depending on length)

ESSAY: 2-3 Essays (Depending on length)

SCHOLARLY WORKS: Provide a brief synopsis (query letter) of the entire manuscript, plus 20-30 pps. of the manuscript (enough to give the reader a good sense of style/content, purpose and intent).

DRAMA: Unless excessively long, forward entire manuscript.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS: Jewell Jordan Publishing only accepts electronic submissions, i.e., sent online via e-mail to: Sending by email will save you time, resources, and money. We accept both PDFs and Word Documents. Submissions should be 12 inch Font/Times Roman, double-spaced.

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: After our review of your preliminary submission we will contact you via email if we want you to provide a paper copy of your full manuscript.

PLEASE NOTE: There are far more synopses/manuscripts submitted for consideration than we can publish. Our selection process is rigorous and focused on finding the best writing in fiction, literary nonfiction, collections of poetry, scholarly works and collections of essays.  We are not interested in seeing formulaic writing of any kind. We do our best to respond to submissions within 3 months of receipt; however, we cannot respond to letters, telephone calls, or emails requesting manuscript status. Finally, do not resubmit the same proposal multiple times; repeated attempts will be ignored.

Jewell Jordan Publishing
1205 South Air Depot, Suite 153
Midwest City, OK 73110