Jewell Jordan Publishing, LLC is a small independent press founded in 2005. We published our first book, Color Him Father: Stories of Love and Rediscovery of Black Men, through our imprint, Kinship Press, in 2006.
Jewell Jordan Publishing, LLC was founded by Stephana I. Colbert. A graduate of Brown University and Boalt Hall School of Law, Stephana is a native of Oklahoma City, where she currently resides. An author herself, Stephana has written several law reviews and legal articles as well as short stories, poetry, and essays. She credits the late J. California Cooper for inspiring her writing career.
The cultural, racial and ethnic diversity of America is a reality – a reality embraced by some and shunned by others. JJP chooses to embrace that reality. However, in doing so we note that where books are concerned, who writes them, what they are about, and the intended audience is much more homogeneous – the same – than our current racial, cultural and ethnic melting pot would suggest.
We believe that America’s melting pot of writers is composed of talented writers of every race, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, socio-economic level and geographic location. We also believe that there is no one voice – opinion, thought, and idea – for a particular race, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, socioeconomic level and geographic location. Our growth as a society is dependent upon all of those diverse voices, within and without each group, having an opportunity to be heard in fiction, nonfiction, essays, poetry, graphic novels, and other forms of written expression. Thus, JJP’s mission is to help change the current publishing landscape by publishing the works of the myriad of talented and diverse writers who inhabit the United States of America. In doing so, we hope to encourage a larger, more diverse reading audience that sees itself more frequently reflected in what we publish and what they read – that is, in books by, for and about America’s melting pot.
We publish a wide variety of material, including fiction, essays, poetry and scholarly works — in traditional print and as e-books. In doing so, our mission is to embrace and cultivate quality writers and encourage and promote writing excellence. We believe there are wonderful writers whose voices have yet to be heard. We want to find those writers and match them with old and new audiences. This is our story, now tell us yours!

Stephana I. Colbert
Stephana I. Colbert is a writer and an attorney. She has written several law review and legal articles as well as short stories, poetry and essays. Stephana’s publications include, Ordinary Extraordinary African American Women: The Elders, the first in a 4-book series; Color Him Father: Stories of Love & Rediscovery of Black Men, for which Stephana was co-editor of the book and author of one of the book’s short stories celebrating her own father; and a chapter on the criminal justice system in Black Culture & Experience: Contemporary Issues, Vol. 71 (2015). Inspired in her writing by the late J. California Cooper, Stephana also wants to encourage greater diversity in literature through Jewell Jordan Publishing, LLC, which publishes books by, for, and about America’s melting pot. A graduate of Brown University and Boalt Hall School of Law, Stephana is a native of Oklahoma City, where she currently resides.

Jewell Jordan Publishing
1205 South Air Depot, Suite 153
Midwest City, OK 73110