Testimonial – Tyna Theresa Price

Testimonial – Tyna Theresa Price

“My mother taught me most of what I know to be the woman I am. She taught me to value me; she taught me to look out for me; not to let people male or female, run over me. She always taught us that even if you have a husband, you have your own, because you never know...
Testimonial – Andrea Charlton

Testimonial – Andrea Charlton

“Nobody came to my graduation but Patsy and her friend Cathy. Pauline didn’t come. Thomas did not come. No other relatives came. Patsy took me to eat and that was it. Afterward, I heard Thomas saying, “when is she gonna get out of here? How much longer is she going to...
Testimonial – Donna Y. Roberson Brown

Testimonial – Donna Y. Roberson Brown

“Some parents seem less focused on education and more focused on getting their children out to get a job. They don’t put value on education that parents have in the past. Kids all want to be grown and are not – any more than we were – but parents are...
Testimonial – Norma June Davis

Testimonial – Norma June Davis

”I wasn’t in charge of my safety, except to the extent that I tried to pay attention as I had taught other students to do. Watch your back. Be aware. You can’t expect that everybody is going to be ok. Every day you get up it’s a crapshoot as to whether you’re going to...
Testimonial – Robert Solomon

Testimonial – Robert Solomon

“My father was a good man, but he was from a generation that viewed providing for your family as a father’s only obligation. Consequently “Brother Martin” filled a great void in my life. He gave me what my father was unable to give: time and attention. Until I met...